Our mission is to facilitate faster, greener, and more humane progress in the life science industries. The world is encountering existential challenges at an unprecedented rate -- COVID, climate change in just this past century. We need to develop technologies and methods to solve wicked problems faster.

Our vision is to displace physical experiments with virtual experiments. Physical experiments on living systems progress no faster than the rate at which cells grow: slowly. Slow experiments hamper progress, from research through production. Throughout the [life science?] industries gaining insights from fewer physical experiments is crucial both to accelerate progress and to reduce animal suffering from product testing and factory farming. Factory farming, in particular, requires vast amounts of land on which to grow feed and drives the deforestation partially responsible for climate change.

We envision life science companies relying on virtual experiments to save time and resources and get products to market much, much faster. We envision scientists encapsulating their collective understanding of mechanisms and measurements into computer models that are easily exchanged, validated, and refined. Modeling will increase the rate of learning and the ability to collaborate around the world. In addition, visualizing computer models will allow scientists to see the system without destroying it.

Physical Experiments are slow, typically taking anywhere from hours to weeks. Virtual experiments typically run in minutes to days. With virtual experiments, expanding an assay only needs more cloud computers. Doing the same with physical experiments, even via internet-accessible remote laboratories, requires the acquisition and consumption of additional cells and media. Using virtual experiments to hone the design of physical experiments enables scientists to gain more insight per physical experiment and companies to innovate faster.

We're at the beginning of a new paradigm of life science R&D. The development of truly useful models requires they encapsulate both domain knowledge and empirical measurements relevant to the experimental outcomes of interest. The process is iterative. One of the ways models can generate insight is by being "wrong": models reveal the implications of the hypotheses expressed in their implementation. While models reveal flawed thinking faster than do physical experiments, sustained commitment is required to iterate design-implement-test-compare-debug. We believe that a broad and enduring commitment to purpose is strengthened when the purpose is game-changing; when it contributes to saving the world.

The size of the challenge calls us to rethink how we collaborate. Virtual experiments require the engagement of an unprecedented diversity of experts -- modelers, computer scientists, biologists, bio-engineers, etc --all committed to a common purpose. We create and facilitate purpose-based consortia as the containers for these collaborations. These academic-industry partnerships complete our vision, ensuring that we see the system; innovate faster; and save the world. Together.